Friday, February 5, 2010

Yo soy un tomate...

After a wonderful 45 minutes in the sun today, I had the sad realization that I now closely resemble a tomato.

Despite the fact that I am very sunburned, I had a wonderful and relaxing day at the beach - about a 5 minute drive from my house. I didn't swim much because the current was too strong, but I enjoyed lying of the shore with my host mother, Maria. After today, I have finally gotten over the fact that I do not need to talk to every street vendor yelling, "Helado, helado, helados..." over and over again. At first I felt guilty not to acknowledge them, but after a while it became a bit annoying. I am also getting used to the constant noise and chaos of Lima and am starting not to feel quite so overwhelmed all the time.

Other little blips about my past few days in Lima:
- Last night I unknowingly ate cow heart (anicuchos). It is actually very delicious.
-On wednesday night I went to my first Peruvian get together in La Molina - the nicest distrcit in Lima. I was at a house which has a huge glass tube for walls, with a pool half in and half out of the house. The people had 2 maids which were constantly running around filling up drinks and bringing more food. I don't think that I will ever really get used to this.
-Nobody in Peru has air conditioning or clothes dryers, but somehow the house always stays cool enough and clothes dry in less that two hours in the baking sun.
-Many people in Peru don't eat dinner, only a big breakfast and a HUGE lunch.
-I am being fed all the time. This is great, because the food is amazing, but I may be signing up at a gym in the near future.
-Everybody that I have met in Lima is very friendly, except when they are driving. It seems like everyone turns completely crazy behind the wheel, but most of the time they are always willing to help you out.
-Lima is perfect! It has taken me a while to be able to see past it's size. Now I am able to appreciate all of the colors and sounds of the city. It is practically overflowing with energy!

Tomorrow I will be off to Wong (the Safeway of Peru - there are atleast 30 in Lima alone) to buy some SPF 70 sunscreen...
much love, Sierra


  1. did you eat ginny pig yet??????????

  2. nope, but i plan to soon :) when i do i will definitely let you know!

  3. i can't believe you ate heart... and omg! FRUIT!!!! that's AMAZING... XXOO
